
Showing posts from December, 2019

Christmas' Redemption of Vulnerability

Two thousand years ago, time fractured. Two thousand years ago, time was entered by its Infinite Creator. Two thousand years ago, the King of Kings came to the world. Two thousand years ago, we were given a new way to live: Not the way of men, demanding kings and requiring strength, but the way of a child, offering softness and allowing vulnerability.  Jesus came, not riding on the clouds with trumpets blaring, but into a small, poor family. He grew inside of a woman and was born as a baby. He came to the world with nothing but the ability to cry and be helped. He left behind His royal trappings, left behind His golden throne, and entered into a small family.  He came in a way that any could approach him: the shepherds, the animals, the wise foreign kings. Babies don’t care about any of that, and He chose a mother and father who wouldn’t push away any who came to adore.  But, perhaps even more profoundly, He came to show us new life. He came to show us how to be human,

Advent's Journey Into the Unknown

Advent is a season for preparation. A season for impending change. A season for growth.  It's so easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life, traffic, decorating, wrapping up finals, getting that project for work done, having people out for the holidays, everyone being sick, family drama, figuring out New Years Resolutions, and the other hundred things that we need to do. For some, this is also a painful season because of broken families, deaths, lack of funds, or many other reasons. And, if w're honest, we can let our whole lives be this way: Caught up in the business of life.  I know I spent a good couple years answering "How's it going?" with "Busy." Which is usually a good indication I'm letting busyness overwhelm the rest of me. We can keep up for so long, but, eventually, the wave of life will knock us back down. I take my emotional, spiritual, and even temporal growth and hide it behind the accepted achievements. If I'm busy,