October Thirty-First
Around the world today, people are celebrating the thirty-first of October in various ways. Most of the Western World celebrates Halloween on this date. But for those, especially Christians, who do not agree with this practice, many choose another thing to emphasize: Reformation Day. I have issue with both of these observances, but I would be saying nothing new by saying what I think of Halloween. However, I am going to talk about the latter of the observances. Many people think that since I'm Catholic, I have issues with the celebration of Reformation Day because it is the start of the Protestant movement. While I think everyone knows my opinion on that matter, that is not the real reason I have issue with the celebration - and emphasis of - Reformation Day. My issue with it is that it propagates dis-unity. Luther needed to pin the 95 thesis on the door. Those were, for the most part, valid concerns. The clergy at the time was abusing its right. Luther did the right thing by b...